3D echocardiography allows the whole heart to imaged in real-time. It provides improved images of the heart valves to plan heart surgery and more precise diagnosis of conditions including cardiomyopathy, chemotherapy related heart disease and coronary artery disease.![Mitral valve stenosis as seen by 3d Echocardiograph]()
![Mitral valve stenosis as seen by 3d Echocardiograph](https://www.nswcardiology.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/3dEchocardiography-300x254-1.jpg)
Mitral valve stenosis as seen by 3d Echocardiograph
The Epiq 7 from Philips Healthcare represents a revolution in imaging quality and advanced echocardiography. NSW cardiology is pleased to announce that it the first clinic in NSW to have installed the three-dimensional Epiq 7 unit. This is just one further example of the our commitment to the best and most up to date facilities available, and our provision of cardiology care without compromise.
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